
Lee Ryan won’t get married

Lee Ryan will never get married.
The 36-year-old singer and actor – who has 12-year-old daughter Bluebell with Jessica Keevil, and 10-year-old son Rayn with Sammi Miller – doesn’t believe he’s the "marrying type", because he’d rather "make a vow to Mother Nature" than commit himself to one relationship.
He said: "I don’t think I’m the marrying type, if I’m honest. Love isn’t ownership. I’d rather go into the woods and make a vow to Mother Nature, where we’re from. And then everyone can take some magic mushrooms."
But despite not being fond of the idea of marriage, the former Blue star appreciates his past relationships, and says the mistakes he’s made in the past have taught him to "be a better person".
He added: "I’ve made massive mistakes, but that’s taught me to be a better person now. Relationships in the public eye, or being someone famous in a relationship, comes with complications.
"I’ve learnt a lot from my past relationships, especially with my little boy’s mum. It was quite toxic when I got with her and it was quite public as well. Even though she wasn’t famous, the relationship became very public. It was really hard and I was made to look like an absolute ****. But now we’ve grown and we’re the most amazing friends and I absolutely adore Sammi. We both co-parent in the most amazing way."
Lee has been known for being a ladies man in the past, but insists he doesn’t have girls "throwing themselves" at him these days because of his reputation.
The ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ star told new! magazine: "I don’t know why people think that [girls throw themselves at me]. If anything they go the other f***ing way! I’ve noticed that people, to this day, go ‘Stay away, he’s a wrong ‘un!’ I get people saying stuff from years ago. I just look at them going, ‘You thick f**k – go away!’ "