
Lady Gaga joins LA vigil for Orlando shooting victims

Lady Gaga paid tribute to the victims of the Orlando shooting at a vigil in Los Angeles on Monday (13.06.16).
The 30-year-old singer joined thousands of people outside City Hall in downtown LA where she helped to read out the names of the 49 people killed by a gunman at gay nightclub Pulse on Saturday (11.06.16).
Gaga said: "As we have now witnessed the largest mass shooting in American history, I can’t help but feel that this level of hatred, like all prejudicial crimes, this is an attack on humanity itself.
"Tonight, I gather humbly with you, as a human being, in peace, in sincerity, in commitment, in solidarity, to take a real moment and mourn the tragic loss of these innocent, beautiful people.
"Tonight I will not allow my anger and outrage over this attack to overshadow our need to honour those who are grieving truly for their lost ones, lost members of the LGBT community. I hope you know that myself and so many are your allies."
In addition to the 49 dead, more than 50 people were injured in the shooting and the perpetrator, Omar Mateen, was killed by police.
Gaga first spoke out about the attacks on Twitter, writing: "I pray for all the victims families during this shooting epidemic. That their pain be met with compassion and support from the world.
"It’s a traumatizing and emotional time for a many people. I dream of the world reflecting on what we can do to change this violence. #Orlando (sic)."
Meanwhile, in New York, singer Nick Jonas and ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’ actor Tituss Burgess were among those who gathered at gay rights landmark the Stonewall Inn, to remember the victims of America’s largest ever mass shooting.
Nick, 23, said: "More than anything, I just want to speak from the heart and say I woke up yesterday to the news, like all of you, and my heart broke.
"I grew up here in New York City and New Jersey, performing on Broadway shows, surrounded by some of my closest friends from the LGBT community.
"My father, a minister from New Jersey, shaped my view that love is love, that we are all equal. That no matter who you are, or where you’re from, or where you’re going in life, you have the right to love and be loved. So yesterday, thinking about the families of the victims and the lives lost, I just thought that could be my friend. That could be my people."
Tituss, 37, told the crowd: "I have to tell you, being here and seeing all of your faces has comforted me in a way that I did not expect coming down here. I am indeed Orlando, and in times like this, I find myself at a loss for what to do."
And he performed the song ‘Somewhere’ from ‘West Side Story’ before saying: "I love you guys," as he left the stage.