
Kylie Jenner wants to inspire

Kylie Jenner wants to be an "inspiration" to young girls.

The 18-year-old reality star hopes she can help other people and wants them to aspire to be like her, but because she is a "good person", not because of her looks.

When asked what she wants her legacy to be, Kylie said: "That I’ve helped people and that it wasn’t just about me. That I was an inspiration for young girls. And it wasn’t just getting your lips done and having good hair, but being a good person and inspiring other people to not bully other people and do good things and be nice to everybody."

And the ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ star – who is dating rapper Tyga – thinks her ever-changing look gives her fans the confidence to explore their own images in an exercise of self discovery.

Speaking to TIME magazine for their Most Influential Teens list, she said: "I just want to inspire my fans to be whoever they want to be, because that’s what I’ve always done. And they know that.

"I feel like it inspires them to be exactly who they want to be."

Kylie has also launched the #IAmMoreThan anti-bullying campaign and admitted she wanted to be a part of it because of her own experiences.

She said: "I thought of the idea because, almost my whole life, since I was nine, since I’ve been in the spotlight, that comes with so much bullying and attacking. Everything I do, there’s a huge light on it.

"I’m OK with that because it is what it is, it comes with the lifestyle.

"[But] it has still affected me a lot. I wanted to take a different approach and pretty much let other people that I found who’ve been through bullying and overcome it, to use my platform and just kind of bring awareness to it."