
KISS postpone four shows after Gene Simmons contracts coronavirus

KISS have postponed four more tour dates after Gene Simmons contracted coronavirus.

The ‘Crazy Crazy Nights’ hitmakers recently pulled out of a gig in Pennsylvania after Paul Stanley fell ill with the virus, and it’s now been revealed his bandmate has also tested positive, so they are delaying some concerts in order for the group to self isolate.

A statement shared to their social media channels read: “‘Kiss will postpone their next four tour dates.

“While Paul Stanley recently tweeted that he has recovered from Covid, Gene Simmons has now tested positive and is experiencing mild symptoms.

“The band and crew will remain at home and isolate for the next 10 days and doctors have indicated the tour should be able to resume on September 9th at FivePoint Amphitheatre in Irvine, CA.’

“All previously purchased tickets will be honoured for the new dates once announced.”

Gene, 72, recently admitted he thinks COVID-19 vaccines should be mandatory by law.

He said: “Should there be a mandate, which means a law, that you must get vaccinated? Yes, there should be.

“The idea that somebody says ‘it’s my body and my choice’ is so idiotic.

“It is not your choice, it is not your body when you come to a red light in your car. You don’t have the right to go through it just ’cause you feel like it and ‘don’t tell me what to do.’ And here’s why: because the rest of the world goes on green and stops on red. Just ’cause you feel it’s your right doesn’t give you the right.

“You don’t have the right to speak on a cell phone in your car, you don’t have the right to not put on a seat belt — you don’t have that right. You actually do not have the right to stand up in a movie theater and yell ‘fire’ just because you think it’s freedom of speech. You don’t have that right. That’s called incitement to riot. There are all sorts of rights you don’t have.”