
Kim Woodburn lashes out at ‘horrible’ Coleen Nolan

Kim Woodburn thinks Coleen Nolan is a "horrible person."
The ‘How Clean is Your House’ star has lashed out at the ‘Loose Women’ panellist for being "two faced" towards her in the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house this month and doesn’t think she deserved to win the series because she was nice to her face and then ripped her to "pieces" behind closed doors.
Speaking on ‘This Morning’ on Monday (06.02.17), she said when asked if Coleen should have won: "No I do not. She was sweet as pie to me all the way through but little did I know that when she’s on the sofa over in the smoking area, she’s pulling me to pieces. She never said a wrong word to me. I’m not two faced. She’s a horrible person. I’m 74 years of age. You’ve got a long time to work on television. If I never got another television thing I couldn’t give a toss."
But her cruel remarks haven’t hurt Coleen, 51, and she has admitted she was "confrontational" towards the professional cleaner because she clocked on to her game plan straight away.
Speaking on ‘Loose Women’, she said: "All the way through they try and encourage you not to be nice but it’s just not me and people who know me would know she was doing that for camera time.
"I’m not confrontational. Hand on heart, I was completely confrontational to her because she kept sitting on her own and I knew what she was doing, she’d try and make us look like a gang."
And, although Kim found herself embroiled in numerous arguments during her time in the infamous abode, Coleen didn’t find her hilarious outburst "entertaining" at all.
She added: "There wasn’t one single moment in the house where I found that woman entertaining."