
Kim Fox faces heartbreak in EastEnders

Kim Fox will face heartbreak when she goes into premature labour in ‘EastEnders’.

The expectant mother, played by actress Tameka Empson, recently returned from her job as an entertainer on a cruise ship with a mystery baby bump and it’s now been reported she could face losing her first child.

A source told the Daily Star newspaper: "Kim came back to Walford to be with her family at a time when she needs them the most.

"And that couldn’t be more the case when she gives birth before she’s supposed to.

"Everyone will have to rally round her and keep their fingers crossed that her baby pulls through."

Kim’s return to Albert Square and upcoming pregnancy issues are just the beginning of what are set to be some big storylines for her, her sister Denise Fox (Diane Parish) and Patrick Trueman (Rudolph Walker), according to the BBC One soap’s executive producer Dominic Treadwell-Collins.

Hinting that the father of Kim’s baby and his family could be set to arrive in Walford, he said: "That’s the start of an exciting story for the Truemans and Foxes.

"Denise, Kim and some new faces… but that’s for later!"