
Kesha always ready for vacation

Kesha "always" carries her passport and swimsuit with her.
The ‘Praying’ hitmaker likes to be prepared for the possibility of taking a spontaneous trip to somewhere by the ocean.
She admitted: "I always have a bathing suit and a passport — always.
"You never know when you’re going to find yourself wanting to go to a different country or a body of water."
Kesha has had a difficult few years following her failed legal bid to get out of her recording contract with Dr. Luke, who she accused of abusing her and though she still faces further court battles over his defamation and breach-of-contract lawsuit, she’s grateful her legal team have told her to focus on her own life and happiness while they "deal with" the case.
She told Billboard magazine: "There are so many what-ifs, and quite honestly, I’m not allowed to talk about it.
"And I’m really not used to not being an open book about everything — but I do have to defer to my lawyers on this one, and they’re just like, ‘Focus on the music, focus on your happiness and mental health, and we’ll deal with this.’
"Doing that has been greatly helpful."
The 32-year-old singer has found her outlook has changed in the 10 years since she began her career and she’s thankful she no longer feels the need to be so "mean" to herself.
She said: "I was under the impression that to do this job, you don’t eat, you don’t sleep, you don’t have privacy, and you don’t have time for yourself.
"I would talk to myself in a way I would never talk to another human being in a million f***ing years.
"[Eventually] I just got sick of being mean to myself… I’m not starving myself for s**t anymore. I’m too old for that. Been there, done that, it sucked, almost killed me, no thank you.
"I turned 30, I got an ass, and I’m OK with it!"