
Kelly Osbourne offers ‘girly dude’ advice

Kelly Osbourne has a "unique insight" into the "male mind".
The ‘Fashion Police’ host – the daughter of rocker Ozzy Osbourne and his manager wife Sharon – admits her friends often see her as one of the guys, and she believes her experiences give her a special perspective when it comes to giving advice on relationships.
She wrote on her blog: "Although I can be very girly, I’m still known amongst my friends as one of the girliest dudes that they know. Growing up on the road, I was surrounded by men, so have a unique insight into the male mind."
Kelly spoke out after revealing a text a friend had received from a male pal which said: "I really wish you’d let me f**k you once if nothing else. I promise you amazing sex."
The 29-year-old star – who was previously engaged to Luke Worrall and Matthew Mossheart – slammed the disrespectful message and urged guys never to send such communications.
She wrote on her blog: "I’m all for being blunt and forward, but word to the wise fellas, talking to a lady like this is not cool and does you no favors. Seriously, is this bloke for real?
"I thought I’d share a little bit of advice with you all. To all you lovely gentlemen out there, DO NOT EVER send text messages like this. And if you do, AT LEAST lie and say you were drunk before apologising for being a complete tw*t. In your words, this is an instant boner killer.(sic)"