
Kate Upton surprises sister with home makeover

Kate Upton secretly renovated her sister’s house.
The 26-year-old model-and-actress has always "looked up" to her sibling Christie – who has a young daughter with her husband Matt – and decided to take over work on the interiors of her Florida home because she knew her older sister wouldn’t "prioritise" herself.
In a video produced by architecture and interior design site Houzz, Kate said: "My sister Christie is the oldest of us all and really keeps us all in line and takes care of everybody around here. We have a very close relationship.
"I always looked up to her. I always wanted to wear all of her clothes, and now she wants to wear all of my clothes. I’m definitely paying for those younger days.
"This house is so important to Christie and Matt because it’s their first time really putting down roots and really having a place of their own.
"I think it really symbolised settling down for them. It’s an important time to do the renovation now because she keeps trying to do all of these little projects in the house and none of them are for her. I wanted to prioritize her because I knew she wouldn’t."
Kate, with the help of design firm Movito, made some major changes to the property, including knocking down a wall to give Christie the bathroom she’d always dreamed of.
The ‘Other Woman’ star said: "I wanted it to feel like her oasis in her own home. I’m so happy to give her a place to relax and rejuvenate."
The family were shown the changes to their abode at the end of the video and were stunned by the work.
Christie said: "This looks like it’s out of a magazine. These are the touches that I wish I had but would never know how to implement them."
And before the clip drew to a close, there was another reveal as the designer invited them all to celebrate with champagne.
Kate said: "Actually she can’t have champagne."
Christie explained: "We’re expecting number two!"