
Karen Gillan wants to be female Joker

Karen Gillan wants to play a female Joker.
The 29-year-old actress is currently a prominent figure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe playing blue-skinned alien assassin Nebula in the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ franchise but admitted she would like to be part of Marvel’s rival, the DC Extended Universe because she dreams of playing Batman’s biggest foe.
Speaking at a Q&A session at Florida Supercon, the actress said: "Oh can I say something DC? Okay, I’m going to say something DC, and I’m going to play the Joker.
"Maybe a female Joker. This is my calling! Somebody make a call for me and let them know I’m available."
Although Gillan – who rose to fame starring as companion Amy Pond alongside Matt Smith in ‘Doctor Who’ – wants to star in the DCEU, the actress recently said she sees a lot of possibilities for Nebula in future stories.
Nebula is set to appear in the ‘Avengers’ films and the third ‘Guardians’ movie and Gillian hopes the character gets to fulfil her wish to murder her stepfather Thanos in one of the stories.
She said: "I thought I would be coming back but then when I read the script for the second film I saw all the stuff that I got to do and all the emotional stuff and I was just really excited.
"I would like to see Nebula be embraced into the ‘Guardians’ family because I think that’s what she probably needs, even though she wouldn’t ever let on.
"I would like to see her fulfil her clear agenda which is to kill Thanos. I think that would be cool."
Karen is remaining tight-lipped about the plot for ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ but she did say her character has a "good presence".