
Josh Gad hints at Penguin role

Josh Gad has continued to drop huge hints he could be next in line to play the Penguin on the big screen in DC’s ‘Extended Universe’.
The ‘Beauty and the Beast’ actor sparked speculation he could be following in Danny DeVito’s flippers by taking on the role of Batman’s rival recently, when he shared a snap of the comic book villain on social media.
However, he later insisted he was just having some fun and "just putting things out there", rather than confirming any involvement in upcoming movie The Batman.
Despite playing it down, the star has now added more fuel to the fire – and this time he isn’t being quite as cryptic with his latest tweet.
In a post on his social media, Gad can be seen at the DC offices in front of the comic book giant’s logo with a copy of Batman Adventures Vol. 1 featuring Penguin on the cover.
Posing between DC Films President Geoff Johns and producer Jon Berg, he wrote: "Nothing to see here…"
It comes as the status of ‘The Batman’ continues to cause confusion for fans, with Ben Affleck reprising his role as the caped crusader.
Last month, it was reported that the actor is starting to get back in shape following claims there was a chance he could walk away from the project.
The Wrap’s Umberto Gonzalez claimed on Heroic Insider: "Ben Affleck, Batman, I just got word that he just started training again for the role.
"You know how there was talk that he was gonna leave and he might leave the role? Nah, bro. He’s working out. He’s getting back in shape."