
Josh Brolin promises more ‘action’ in Deadpool 2

Josh Brolin "got beat to s**t" during the making of ‘Deadpool 2’.
The 49-year-old actor stars as the mutant soldier Cable in the much-anticipated sequel to the 2016 Marvel movie, and Josh has promised there will be more "action" in the new film.
He explained: "I had heard somewhere along the line, and I think it’s okay for me to say this, but I heard somewhere along the line that they felt the first ‘Deadpool’ didn’t have enough action. I don’t know who said that or why they said that or even if I felt that.
"I don’t think I did because I loved the first ‘Deadpool’. I thought it was really kind of irreverent, and amazing, and intelligent, and turned everything on its head, and I appreciated it. With this movie, it’s just a different deal."
Josh admitted he was pushed to the limit of his physical fitness on the set of the sequel, which also stars Ryan Reynolds, T.J. Miller and Brianna Hildebrand.
Josh is, therefore, confident that the upcoming film will address the criticisms of the original movie.
Speaking to Collider, Josh – who saw off stiff competition to secure the role of Cable – explained: "I got beat to s**t on that movie. That’s all I know. I had stuntmen throwing me all over the place. I’ve got a shoulder issue, I’ve got a knee issue that I’ve got to deal with now, but we got through it.
"We got through it. I pushed hard and I suffered because of it."