
Johnny Depp ‘spent $30,000 a month on wine’

Johnny Depp spent $30,000 a month on wine, according to the actor’s ex-managers.
The 53-year-old star recently accused The Management Group (TMG) of defrauding him out of tens of millions of dollars, but the firm has hit back in a blistering countersuit of its own, which was filed on Tuesday (31.01.17).
TMG claims the award-winning actor left himself on the brink of financial ruin due to his own eye-watering spending habits, which is also said to have included splashing out $3 million to blast Hunter Thompson’s ashes out of a cannon, $18 million on an 150-foot yacht and $200,000 a month on private planes.
TMG has insisted Johnny was kept fully informed that he was spending his fortune more quickly than he could afford.
In a statement, the firm said: "Depp often responded by rebuking and cursing his business managers for issuing such warnings and advice, while increasing his extravagant lifestyle and spending, and demanding that his business managers find some way to pay for it all.
"Depp, and Depp alone, is fully responsible for any financial turmoil he finds himself in today. He has refused to live within his means, despite the best efforts of TMG and the repeated warnings about his financial condition from TMG and his other advisors."
What’s more, the company has alleged Johnny still owes TMG as much as $4.2 million and has, therefore, filed a non-judicial foreclosure proceeding on the Hollywood star’s home in an effort to recoup that debt.
TMG said, too, that Johnny’s lawsuit – which was filed on January 13 – was simply designed to delay the foreclosure proceeding.
TMG was responsible for handling the actor’s finances from 1999 until early 2016, during which time he was among the best paid and most sought-after stars in Hollywood.