
John Cena thinks WWE has set him up perfectly for CGI Hollywood

John Cena thinks his WWE experience makes him the perfect choice for CGI blockbusters.
The ‘Bumblebee’ actor insisted it wasn’t difficult to act without the titular transformer actually being on set, and he joked it’s because he’s used to faking reality with his time as a wrestler.
Speaking to Cinemablend, he laughed: "You’re asking ME if it was difficult or not to pretend to make something real that isn’t really real?
"I think I’m the right guy for that job."
While Cena’s Hollywood career is kicking off, he recently added to the publication that he won’t be completely abandoning WWE as he tries to strike a "balance" between the two.
He explained: "I’m literally in the search for balance, I am. I’ve told everyone in the WWE that I will not abandon ship.
"This is my home, this is my family, and I’m realising how tough it is to balance everything but I’m here, and the best I can do is manage my time the best I can, and really just never leave my family out to dry.
"I have some wonderful opportunities coming up that I’m going to take advantage of, and a lot of that involves me being away from the WWE."
Meanwhile Cena, 41, has previously apologised to Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, who he heavily criticised in the past for his similar transition from the ring to the big screen.
The star said: "I owe a lot of what I’ve done in WWE and in cinema to Dwayne Johnson. He’s always been genuine, he’s always shot straight – and that’s on TV and off TV
"We have a very good rapport with each other and I can… I’ve told this to him that I’m sorry, and I can tell it to you, and I can tell it to you: I spoke out of ignorance, I was wrong, and I’m sorry.