
Joe Swash plays down Stacey Solomon I’m A Celeb spin-off axe

Joe Swash thinks his girlfriend Stacey Solomon’s shock axe from the ‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!’ spin-off show is just the "nature of the beast."
The 35-year-old actor has been fronting the side show ‘Extra Camp’ since 2009 and has been asked to return when the main series makes a return next month but, this time, he’ll be presenting without his beautiful partner after she was dropped in favour of last year’s queen of the jungle Scarlett Moffatt and runner-up Joel Dommett.
But, although they’re devastated they won’t be working together this time around, Joe and Stacey appreciate that it’s all part and parcel of the television industry.
Speaking to the Daily Mirror newspaper, Joe said: "It’s the nature of the beast. It’s the job we’re doing. We dust ourselves off, don’t we?"
Stacey, 28, added: "Aw, I know, it’s a shame, but Joe’s so good at it. I’ll be excited to watch him. I’ll definitely miss him loads, but I love watching from the comfort of my own home. I’m working on loads of different pilots. Nothing is signed off yet but hopefully."
Fans are no doubt devastated to see the couple – who have been dating for two years – separated but bosses were keen to shake up the panel with some new fresh blood.
A source said recently: "Stacey and Joe are lovely people and great presenters, and everyone involved was really happy with what they did. But the thinking this time around is to have a complete revamp in the format and Stacey unfortunately don’t quite fit into that. Joe may still have a role but that hasn’t been decided, but everyone involved will miss working with Stacey, and Joe if he leaves, because they’re great fun."
Last year saw Vicky Pattison – who won the main show in 2015 – Chris Ramsey, Stacey and Joe front the spin-off but they regularly came under fire for on-screen gaffes.