
Jimmy Fallon to host 2017 Golden Globes

Jimmy Fallon is to host the 2017 Golden Globes.
The 41-year-old presenter is thrilled to have been chosen to head up The 74th Annual Awards ceremony and plans on making the "Globes Gold again".
Taking to Twitter on Tuesday night (02.08.16), he confirmed: "I’m so excited to be hosting The Golden Globes in January … Let’s make the Globes Gold again! Plan your Globes party Jan.8th. You could be part of the show. #GoldenGlobes (sic)"
And NBC Entertainment chairman, Robert Greenblatt, commented: "We’ve found the best possible host to make the evening really memorable and that’s Jimmy Fallon.
"I know he will bring his unique energy and wit to the show. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association is thrilled and we’re thrilled as well that he wanted to do it this year."
The ‘The Tonight Show’ host has previously hosted the 2010 Primetime Emmy Awards.
He takes over the reins from Ricky Gervais, who hosted this year and in 2012, 2011 and 2010.
Prior to the British comedian, actresses’ and close pals Tina Fey and Amy Poehler hosted from 2013 to 2015.
Fallon will be a welcome change as last year when Gervais took charge of proceedings he managed to insult many of the celebrity guests including Caitlyn Jenner, Mel Gibson and Ben Affleck.
During his opening monologue, he singled out transgender reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner – previously known as Bruce – who was involved in a fatal car accident in Malibu in which one person died.
He said: "I’ve changed. Not as much as Bruce Jenner, obviously. Now Caitlyn Jenner, of course. What a year she’s had. She became a role model for trans people everywhere, showing great bravery in breaking down barriers and destroying stereotypes. She didn’t do a lot for women drivers, but you can’t have everything, can ya?"
When Gibson tried to poke fun at Ricky by saying: "I love seeing Ricky every three years because it reminds me to get a colonoscopy," the host countered by asking: "What the f**k does sugar t**s even mean?", referencing the insult Gibson hurled at a female police officer during his arrest for drunken driving in 2006.
He later added: "I’m in the awkward position of having to introduce him again. Listen, I’m sure it’s embarrassing for both of us. I blame NBC for this terrible situation. Mel blames … we know who Mel blames."
While introducing Matt Damon, Ricky referred to him as "the only person who Ben Affleck hasn’t been unfaithful to," leaving Matt to shake his head uncomfortably.
The ceremony will be aired live on NBC on January 8, 2017, at 8pm.