
Jessica Simpson ‘appreciates’ Natalie Portman’s apology

Jessica Simpson is "appreciative" of Natalie Portman’s apology, after she said she was "confused" as a teenager when she saw Jessica Simpson wearing a bikini and claiming she was a virgin.
The 37-year-old actress made the comments in an interview with USA Today earlier this week when she said she has struggled with the contrast seen in the music industry and what it was trying to tell its audience.
She said: "I remember being a teenager, and there was Jessica Simpson on the cover of a magazine saying ‘I’m a virgin’ while wearing a bikini, and I was confused. Like, I don’t know what this is trying to tell me as a woman, as a girl."
Jessica, 38, later posted on social media to call for Natalie to stop "shaming other women", and the actress responded with an apology which clarified her comments.
Now, sources say ‘With You’ singer Jessica is pleased with Natalie’s apology, as it’s "important" to her that women be "supportive" of each other.
An insider told ‘Entertainment Tonight’: "[Jessica] was really hurt when she read Natalie’s comments and was appreciative that she clarified what she meant by it. It’s very important to Jessica to be a good role model and to be supportive of women."
In Jessica’s original comment, she said she was "disappointed" by Natalie’s comments, and insisted being confident in her own skin is "not synonymous with having sex", as she believes women can "look however they want".
And in response, Natalie clarified that she wasn’t trying to shame Jessica, but instead wanted to point out the issues within the industry.
The ‘Vox Lux’ actress said: "Thank you for your words. I completely agree with you that a woman should be allowed to dress however she likes and behave however she likes and not be judged. I only meant to say I was confused – as a girl coming of age in the public eye around the same time – by the media’s mixed messages about how girls and women were supposed to behave. I didn’t mean to shame you and I’m sorry for any hurt my words may have caused. I have nothing but respect for your talent and your voice that you use to encourage and empower women all over the globe."