
Jessica Chastain hits back at Russell Crowe

Jessica Chastain has hit back at Russell Crowe after he insisted there are plenty of film roles for older female stars.

The 37-year-old actress claims the 50-year-old actor – who still manages to land lead roles – clearly hasn’t been going to the movies enough if he thinks there are plenty of parts around in motion pictures for women in their 50s and 60s.

She said: "I think he’s getting his foot stuck in his mouth.

"I think there are some incredible actresses in their 50s and 60s that are not getting opportunities in films.

"And for someone to say there are plenty of roles for women that age – they’re not going to the movies enough."

Her comments come after Russell slammed older female stars who complain about the film industry being discriminatory against women of a certain age, claiming Meryl Streep or Dame Helen Mirren would never do that.

Speaking in December, he said: "I think you’ll find that the woman who is saying that [the roles have dried up] is the woman who at 40, 45, 48, still wants to play the ingénue, and can’t understand why she’s not being cast as the 21 year old.

"Meryl Streep will give you 10,000 examples and arguments as to why that’s bulls**t.

"So will Helen Mirren, or whoever it happens to be."

Despite her criticism of Russell, Jessica appears to have her own problems as she still hasn’t picked an outfit for the Golden Globes on Sunday (11.01.15), where she is up for the Best Supporting Actress in a Drama gong for ‘A Most Violent Year’.

Speaking at the National Board of Review gala – where she picked up the Best Supporting Actress Award for her role in the crime drama movie – she told the New York Daily News: "I have no idea what I’m wearing.

"It’s the first time I’ve ever gone to an award show and not had more of an idea of what I was going to wear earlier."