
Jesse Eisenberg wanted for Suicide Squad

Jesse Eisenberg is set to return as Lex Luthor in another movie.

The 31-year-old actor’s portrayal of the villain in ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’ has impressed Warner Bros. and DC Comics bosses so they want him to reprise the role in the forthcoming film based on the ‘Suicide Squad’, which will be directed by David Ayer, Deadline reports.

The movie sees a group of supervillains from the comic book world recruited for dangerous missions by the government and stars including Will Smith, Ryan Gosling, Tom Hardy and Margot Robbie are said to be being considered for parts.

So far, Eisenberg is just in talks for the movie as he is already committed to appearing in ‘Now You See Me 2’ and is also considering a role in ‘Arms & The Dudes’, Todd Phillips’ forthcoming stoner comedy.

Once casting is in place and work begins on the film, ‘Suicide Squad’ is expected to be released in August 2016.

Director Ayer recently spoke of how excited he was to get to work on the project.

The ‘Fury’ filmmaker said: ."I love the passion [comic-book fans] have for these characters and these worlds. I think there’s something incredible about the comic genre and technology has finally caught up with pen and ink to render these fantastic worlds in a way that feels believable and visceral to audiences. It’s a secular religion in that regards. The mythology that these characters represent – the idea of them as fallen gods on Earth – is intriguing to me. I can’t wait to start exploring those corridors."