
Jennifer Metcalfe describes pregnancy as a ‘nine month hangover’

Jennifer Metcalfe has likened her pregnancy to a "nine month hangover".
The 35-year-old actress – who is known for playing Mercedes McQueen in ‘Hollyoaks’ for over 10 years – welcomed her three-month-old son Daye into the world in June this year, but she is "glad" she has finally given birth because she felt "pants every day" when she was carrying her first child, who she has with her partner Greg Lake.
Speaking to the Mail Online, the brunette beauty said: "I just felt pants every day. I just felt like I had a nine month hangover without the fun in-between obviously. Every day I just felt a bit sick.
"Basically I had a bit of every pregnancy symptom you can get. I had a bit of constipation, I was beyond tired, the nausea was the worst because that started after six weeks and went right through until the end. I’m glad it’s over."
The Bradford-born star has revealed she feels the most confident in her skin now than she ever has done before.
She explained: "I think I always feel confident now, I guess I don’t care as much as I get older. I do care about my health and I don’t want to be severely overweight or underweight but I think as long as it’s functioning properly and I’m at a nice healthy weight then I don’t really care if I look absolutely perfect in a bikini.
"For the last few years I’ve felt very confident in my own skin and since having the baby and I suppose seeing what the woman’s body can do I’ve got a new found respect for it."
Jennifer is set to return to the Channel 4 soap in June, but the star has not thought about work as she is entirely consumed with her son.
She said: "I haven’t thought about it at all, I haven’t thought about much else other than Daye. It’s hard work being a mother so he’s just had my full attention and I haven’t had time to think of much else."