
Jenna Coleman puts off ‘Doctor Who’ exit

Jenna Coleman has signed up for the next series of ‘Doctor Who’.

The 28-year-old actress – who stars as the Time Lord’s assistant Clara Oswald in the BBC One sci-fi series opposite current doctor Peter Capaldi – was tipped to leave the show during this year’s Christmas special but will now continue playing the sidekick for the first half of the next series.

It is believed Jenna had a "change of heart" about leaving the show after doing just one series with Peter, 56.

Her decision has shocked show boss Steven Moffat and prompted writers to pen a new script for the upcoming season – which originally saw her character being killed off – so Clara can return to the Tardis with the Doctor .

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "When it came to Clara, they had to tear them up and start again.

"In the original draft of the script, she became an old woman who then died with the Doctor at her side. But after they were rewritten, she will now be seen returning to the Tardis, hand in hand with the Doctor."

The pair are set to be joined by actor Nick Frost in this year’s Christmas Day special, who will take on the role of Santa Claus and attempt to help the duo escape from an Arctic base.

The BBC said: "The Doctor and Clara face their last Christmas. Trapped on an Arctic base, under an attack from terrifying creatures, who are you going to call? Santa Claus?"