
Jane Fonda: Sex is better with age

Jane Fonda thinks sex gets better with age.
The ‘Barbarella’ star is glad her new Netflix series ‘Grace and Frankie’ gives a "cultural face to older women" and insists getting intimate is much better when you are older.
Speaking about her character on the show, she said: "I’ve had three lovers already in that series. I’m just so happy we’re giving a cultural face to older women. [Sex is better] because, first of all, we’re braver – what the heck to we have to lose? So my skin sags – so does his."
And the 79-year-old actress loves working on intimate scenes with Robert Redford and quipped that she "lived" for them.
Speaking at Venice Film Festival, she shared: "[I loved] that these films [‘Barefoot in the Park’ and ‘Our Souls at Night’] bookend our careers … In ‘Barefoot in the Park’, we played that young love just getting married and now we’ve played old people’s love – and old people’s sex … I live for sex scenes with him."
Meanwhile, Jane previously admitted she wouldn’t want to "be young again".
She said: "You could not pay me to be young again. I don’t care how much money I was offered, I wouldn’t do it. I didn’t like being young at all. I actually felt I started to get old at seven. By the time I was 20, I hated how old I was then. At 30, I was ancient, I saw no future for myself.
"At 49, I said, ‘I’m going down a dark hole, I can’t be creative any more,’ and I quit acting for almost 16 years. I was just so old… Then, after I turned 60, I began to understand who I was, and I became young again. Now I’m in sight of my 80th birthday and feeling pretty good about life!"