
Jamie Dornan: The Fall scarred me for life

Jamie Dornan is "scarred" for life after playing a serial killer in ‘The Fall’.

The 32-year-old stars as sexually-motivated murderer Paul Spector in the BBC Two thriller-drama series and has confessed the brutal acts his character commits have left him scarred.

Quizzed about the impact the role has had on him, he said: "There are maybe not a lot of positives. You can’t fail to be left slightly scarred by inhabiting someone like that for two seasons.

"I do carry elements of him in a worrying way. I find him relatable and understand why he is how he is.

"There are times towards the end of filming series one and series two where I did scare myself that some of Jamie’s reactions were like Paul’s.

"You do carry some of that anger and hatred in you a little bit, especially towards the end of filming."

Jamie stars alongside ‘The X-Files’ actress Gillian Anderson, who takes on the role of detective Stella Gibson – who’s tasked with hunting down Spector – in ‘The Fall’, and she’s revealed she’s keen for the show to return for a third series.

According to the Daily Mirror newspaper, she said of her character: "Who she is and everything she stands for I find very compelling on the page."