
James Franco wants Lana Del Rey movie

James Franco wants to make a movie with Lana Del Rey.

The ‘This Is The End’ actor has penned an essay about his love for the ‘Born to Die’ singer – who he says "isn’t made for the Earth" – and revealed they have discussed collaborating on a cinematic project.

He wrote for V magazine: "She has this idea for a film. I want to do it because it’s a little like Sunset Boulevard. A woman is alone in a big house in L.A. She doesn’t want to go out. She starts to go crazy, and becomes paranoid because she feels like people are watching her. Even in her own house. It’s like an awesome B-movie that lives in Lana’s head. It’s about her, and it’s not about her. Just like her music."

However, it is unclear whether the project will happen as the 36-year-old hunk admitted he has had a hard time even getting the 29-year-old singer to sit down and talk to him.

He added: "I wanted to interview Lana for a book and she said, ‘Just write around me, it’s better if it’s not my own words. It’s almost better if you don’t get me exactly, but try.’ "

James has previously spoken of how "enamoured" he is with the singer.

He said recently: "There’s a weird thing with creative types. Sometimes I love a person’s work and, like, I’m just so enamoured with that and their persona in their work. But outside of that, it’s like, our dynamic is we’re just kind of friends, we get along so well. But all this sexual attraction is for the person and the work."