
Hugh Grant bemused by festive popularity

Hugh Grant "doesn’t know" why ‘Love Actually’ is still popular.
The 58-year-old actor thinks it’s "nice" the 2003 ensemble romantic comedy – in which he played the Prime Minister – is still screened over the festive season but he’s amazed it’s so well-loved.
He said: "I don’t know why ‘Love Actually’ is still so popular.
"Everyone watches it at Christmas, which is nice.
"Do I remember anything from filming? I mean, there was the horror of that scene where I had to dance around.
"I suspect that was the most excruciating scene ever committed.
"It wasn’t easy for an Englishman in his 40s to do at 7 in the morning, stone-cold sober."
While the ‘Four Weddings and A Funeral’ actor’s career has moved away from romantic comedies in recent years, he’s still "very proud" of his previous work – though he’s also thankful being "old and wrinkly" means he now gets offered different projects.
He said in a recent interview: "I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth with romantic comedies.
"I’m proud of them and they are very popular.
"If I get home from the pub and switch on the TV, there I am, chatting up some girl.
"I am grateful for them, but I’m also very pleased to be through with them.
"Different stuff comes across my desk now that I’m old and wrinkly."
Hugh recently hailed his ‘Sense and Sensibility’ and ‘Love Actually’ co-star Emma Thompson as a "genius".
But he added: "She is not remotely sane. She’s nuttier and nuttier as the years go."
And he thinks ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’ actress Renee Zellweger is equally "nutty", but they get on very well.
He said: "Renee loves me and I love Renee. Well, I mean she’s in the same category as Emma Thompson, in terms of lunacy, but an amazing actress of course, and very generous."