
Helena Bonham Carter: I feel depressed about my looks

Helena Bonham Carter feels "depressed" about aspects of her appearance.
The 49-year-old actress freely admits to occasionally getting Botox treatment and revealed she feels down about her physical appearance from time to time.
She shared: "You can get depressed about little bits, and feel like, ‘Oh God, a wrinkle!’ But if you do that, you get a negative list in your head. The thing is, bits of you age at different speeds. I mean, my knees are incredibly old, they’re about 100, but there are other bits of me that are not so old.
"There are a lot of really active older people, and if you can keep your basic health, including your mental health, you can only get better."
Helena confessed the attention that comes with being a famous actress caused her to become anxious about her appearance.
She told the Sunday Times newspaper: "I was called an English rose, but I never looked British. My mother is half-French, half-Spanish, and I look like her, dark.
"When I was young, it was weird. Until you have a bit of confidence in yourself and learn not to pay too much attention to body shape or looks or what people say, it can be lethal."
Earlier this month, meanwhile, Helena admitted she went through "massive grief" when she split from Tim Burton.
The ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’ actress separated from the director in 2014 after 13 years together and she confessed the shift in her personal life meant "everything" about her changed.
Helena said: "You go through massive grief – it is a death of a relationship, so it’s utterly bewildering. Your identity, everything, changes."
However, she thinks it is fine to show emotion and admit to being "fragile" following a life-altering event.
She said: "Everyone always says you have to be strong and have a stiff upper lip, but it’s OK to be fragile."