
Helen Flanagan has ‘matured’

Helen Flanagan thinks she’s "matured."

The former ‘Coronation Street’ actress – who had her home broken into my three masked men last year – believes she’s grown up over the past 12 months and is keen to have less "drama" in her life from now on.

Speaking in this month’s issue of FHM magazine, she said: "It’s been a really mental year. Last summer was really full of drama. But I think I’ve calmed down a bit now. I’ve matured."

Meanwhile, the 24-year-old beauty recently revealed she and her on/off boyfriend Scott Sinclair were trying for a baby and she’d even come off her acne medication to increase their chances of conceiving.

She said previously: "I’ve been on some really strong acne medication but I’ve just come off it because I’m ready to start trying for a baby with Scott.

"I’ve always wanted to be a young mum and I now feel ready. It’s something I’ve wanted for ages and Scott’s going to be a great dad.

"I just hope it doesn’t take me too long. And I’m not bothered about getting married beforehand."

The stunning star has even set up a home with the soccer hunk in Bath ready for when they start a family together and hoping to invest more time in to their relationship from now following their split last year.

She said: "We’ve set up home in Bath together. I feel like I’ve finally got time on my hands to invest in our relationship. Scott is the perfect boyfriend. I finally feel settled and it’s been really fun nesting with him."