
Ed Westwick accused of second count of rape

A second woman has come forward to accuse Ed Westwick of rape.
The former ‘Gossip Girl’ actor was accused earlier this week of having sexually assaulted Kristina Cohen at his home three years ago, and her confession has inspired Aurélie Wynn – who was previously known by her stage name Aurelie Marie Cao before giving up acting – to come forward with her own accusation.
Aurélie posted on Facebook on Wednesday (08.11.17), where she alleged that Ed had forced himself on her in 2014, in a tale similar to Kristina’s.
She wrote: "In July 2014, I went through a very similar ordeal with Ed Westwick, I was ubered by Ed to the Glendower Estates where he was renting following an invite from a girl friend of mine who was dating his roommate a cast member on Glee, we all hung out until 5am, sun was starting to rise since it was summer so we all decided to get a few hours of shut eye since we all had events and things to do the next day and there are plenty of bedrooms. And like Kristina, I said no and he pushed me face down and was powerless under his weight. I was wearing a one piece bathing suit that he ripped, I was in complete shock, I am also very tiny. When it was over I got my cellphone and found that the girl that had invited me had left or got kicked out. I had terrible service in the estate without access to the wifi and had to get another friend to get me an Uber out of there while Ed was passed out. The house is so big I took a video of my experience getting out of the house since it’s literally a maze. (sic)"
The former actress then went on to claim that her boyfriend at the time, Mark Salling – who last month was pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography – blamed her for the alleged offence and broke up with her because of her claims.
She continued: "I told the guy I was seeing that I got raped, Mark Salling, and when he found out by who he pretended not to know him, then blamed me for it and broke it off with me. My other friends and people around me told me it was best not to say anything, to not be "that girl" and that no one would believe me and think I was just out trying to get my 10 seconds of fame. (sic)"
Aurélie rounded off her post by thanking Kristina for coming forward to accuse Ed, 30, as she said she wouldn’t have spoken out if it wasn’t for her.
She wrote: "I am so incredibly thankful all of this is finally coming to light and that there is justice in the world. I believe you Kristina Cohen and thank you for speaking up so eloquently and really encompassing what young female actresses have to go through at the hands of men like Ed Westwick. Without you I would not have had the strength to speak up publicly about my ordeal. #metoo (sic)"