
Dwayne ‘The Rock Johnson’s mother cried on set of Hobbs and Shaw

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s mother cried on the set of ‘Hobbs & Shaw’.
The 47-year-old star – who spent part of his childhood in Hawaii – has recalled how his mom Ata Johnson burst into tears as she heard her son speak in Samoan, the language of their ancestors, for a long period for the first time and how the cast all appeared around her and gave her a hug.
Appearing on ‘Extra TV’, he said: "She is incredibly proud of the movie.
"It’s the very first time in the history of Hollywood that the Samoan culture has ever been showcased on this scale, so it’s a big deal.
"Within the scene, she never heard me speak in Samoan to this degree. She hears me speaking in Samoan, calling on our ancestors to give us strength … I look over and she is crying so hard.
"When the scene was over, a really beautiful moment — all the boys, the guys that play my brothers in the movie, go over and gave her a hug.
He added that it was: "A memory forever."
Dwayne – who plays protagonist Luke Hobbs in the spin-off of the ‘Fast & Furious’ franchise – made a surprise visit to a protest in Hawaii just last week.
The ‘Skyscraper’ actor joined those campaigning against the building of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea’s summit and told them he "stands with" their peaceful protest.
He told the crowd he felt honoured to be part of the protest, which objects to the telescope because of concerns it will harm land sacred to Native Hawaiians.
As dancers performed the hula and chanted, he said: "I stand with you.
"This is such a critical moment and a pivotal time. Because the world is watching."
He also told reporters: "What I realised today … it’s bigger than the telescope. It’s humanity. It’s the culture. It’s our people, Polynesian people, who are willing to die here to protect this land.
"This very sacred land that they believe in so powerfully."
The protest – which is blocking a road to prevent construction crews from reaching the summit – is now into its 10th day and Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim, who is the governor’s envoy to the protesters, is in the process of organising a meeting with Native Hawaiian leaders.
He voiced his fears there will be a "very splintered community" if he can’t get people to work together for what he hopes will be a common goal.
He added: We do not want this to become the cause of a polarised community. That to me is a main issue here."
The mayor recalled saying a silent prayer after receiving a call from the governor appealing for his help and hopes he can "do the right thing for the right reasons."
But he has no time frame for when he plans to conclude the talks, just "as soon as possible".