
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge praise young boy

Britain’s Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have praised a book written by a little boy about his "superhero" grandfather.

Jake Dolman received the royal seal of approval for ‘My Best Grandad’, which he made as a tribute to his grandfather after he passed away last September.

The picture book has been self-published and all profits go towards the Mountain Rescue England charity, which Prince William is a patron for.

William and his wife Duchess Catherine were sent a copy of the book and in return posted a letter to the young author claiming they were "touched" by the tribute and were thankful for his support of mountain rescue.

Speaking about the letter he received from the royal couple, Jake said: "It made me happy – I like the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge because Will is going to be the King one day."

The young boy also confessed that he thinks his Granddad would’ve loved the book, which features drawings of the pair "diving, catching and at a barbecue and a pool", as well as "facts about when he died".

Jake’s mother, Selina, added: "It started as a school project about superheroes, and Jake stood up and told the class his superhero was his granddad, who had recently passed away.

"He drew all these pictures of his granddad helping him with his homework, or teaching him to catch a ball, and I think it was a way of helping him cope with the loss."