
Cressida Bonas to reconcile with Prince Harry?

Britain’s Prince Harry and Cressida Bonas are likely to rekindle their relationship.

The royal’s 18-month romance with the dancer isn’t over for good and the pair are allegedly going to meet up to discuss the status of their romance.

An insider told Vanity Fair: "There will be another chapter to the Harry and Cressida love story. Harry likes the drama of a breakup and then a make up."

Another pal added: "Cressida is really cut up about how things ended and spent the weekend feeling very down."

The 25-year-old blonde is said to be nervous about being portrayed the way the Duchess of Cambridge – formerly known as Kate Middleton – was in the years before Prince William proposed to her, with the media nicknaming her ‘Waity Katie’, and is determined to retain a sense of individuality.

The source explained: "Cressida is very confident and won’t be conforming to the royal look like Kate Middleton did. She is her own person, and Harry will have to accept that.

"Harry likes the fact the media are reporting they’ve split, because it gives him and Cressida some time to try and sort things out away from the limelight."

Harry and Cressida were reported to have parted ways at the end of last month, with the 29-year-old royal attending his friend Guy Pelly’s wedding in Memphis, Tennessee without her over the weekend.