
Claudia Fragapane banned from dating

Claudia Fragapane has been banned from dating.
The 18-year-old Olympic gymnast – who competed in this year’s international sporting event in Rio, Brazil – has admitted her protective father has told her she’s not allowed to start looking for love until she’s at least 25 years old.
Speaking to The Sun newspaper, she explained: "My dad has banned any boyfriends until I’m 25. Gymnastics is a young sport so I know I’ll have time for stuff when I’m older."
However, the brunette beauty isn’t too bothered by her dad’s boyfriend ban as she’s only interested in her gymnastics and her upcoming appearance in ‘Strictly Come Dancing’.
She said: "All I want at the moment is to set up my own gym and go on ‘Strictly Come Dancing’."
And, although she’s no stranger to the competitive environment, Claudia isn’t expecting to make the final of the BBC Ballroom and Latin show later this year.
She said over the weekend: "I just want to go there [on ‘Strictly…’], enjoy it and challenge myself. Some are harsher critics than others but I take criticism well."
Meanwhile, Claudia won’t be the first Olympic gymnast to hit the dancefloor as her fellow GB team mate Louis Smith also gave it his best shot in 2012 and went on to win the series.
However, the pint-size athlete will need to polish up on her snake-hips as she’ll be up against some stiff competition this year following the signing of Daisy Lowe, Laura Whitmore, Will Young, Ed Balls, Danny Mac and Anastacia.