
Chris Cornell planned Audioslave reunion

Chris Cornell planned an Audioslave reunion before his death.
The band’s frontman took his own life in May aged 52 but after the US rockers had reunited at the Anti-Inaugural Ball concert in Los Angeles, their first gig together for 12 years, he told his band members he would be keen to hook up again for more concerts.
Lead guitarist Tom Morello said: "Just that night, the last thing Chris said to me was, ‘I had a great time, let’s do this again, just let me know when.’ And we started talking about maybe doing some sort of similar thing where maybe it would be a Prophets Of Rage show and then we would drop an Audioslave set into the middle of it, and we’d have a ball."
Tom admitted Chris’ sudden passing was a "horrible tragedy", but he is so glad he and fellow Audioslave members Tim Commerford and Brad Wilk got to share one last moment on stage with him before he departed.
He said: "I just say ‘thank god we played it’, you know? Audioslave hadn’t played in 12 years, although I’d played another show with Chris about a year before that.
"And it was wonderful to be close friends and to rock again and to play some Audioslave songs and stand next to him onstage with his – you know – his rock god powerful self, and his amazing voice and his amazing hair and his amazing whole thing, you know? It was wonderful.
"And we hung out afterwards and it was lovely, and we talked about doing it again. And now he’s gone. It’s a horrible tragedy for those of us who knew and loved him and it’s a horrible tragedy for music. Because he’s one of the best of all time."
What’s more, Tom revealed there are some previously unreleased Audioslave tracks which will probably drop one day – but not just yet.
Speaking to digital magazine Music Feeds, he added: "From each of the three records there are some really great songs that did not – for reasons that had nothing to do with quality of song – did not make the cut on those records. And I’m sure they’ll come out at some point. But, you know, not right now.
"There are no plans to put it out but it does exist and I don’t think anyone’s opposed to it coming out at some point."