
Charlize Theron finds method acting ‘exhausting’

Charlize Theron says it is "exhausting" holding onto her characters.
The ‘Bombshell’ star isn’t a fan of method acting – where an actor takes on a character and continues portraying it, even when off set until filming is over – and says she is too "lazy" and busy to keep it up.
Speaking about method acting, she said: "I go to my trailer, I take my make-up off and I go home. I don’t know how people stay in ­character. I’m too lazy. I’ve got two kids to raise and I have dog s**t to pick up in the backyard. I don’t know how you do that in ­character. It’s exhausting. It’s so f***ing exhausting. I learned pretty early on, the more I let go, the better – which, in the beginning, was harder for me – but now I’m very disciplined about it."
However, Charlize does like to find a "very personal connection" with her characters and "understand" them as a person.
She added: "I’ve built a career on playing people you don’t like. For me, it’s a very personal connection that I have to find with the person I’m playing. It has to make sense. I have to get to a place where I can say, ‘This makes sense. This emotional human in front of me, I relate, I understand.’"
The 44-year-old actress’ key focus is her two children – August and Jackson – and her schedule is completely worked around them.
She told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "I get up with them at 5.30am every day. I make them breakfast and pack their lunches. On weekends, we hang out with family and friends. I’ll cook lasagne or steak."