
Charlie Webster first complained of sickness 6 weeks ago

Charlie Webster first fell unwell six weeks ago.
The 33-year-old sports presenter has been fighting for her life in Rio after contracting a rare strain of malaria but, although she only sought medical treatment two weeks ago, she actually first complained of sickness back in July while taking part in a 3,000-mile charity bike ride to Brazil.
Writing on her blog at the time, she said: "I had a pretty rough night last night, I felt so sick and then was sick. I ended up sat on the floor in my hotel room balling my eyes out to my mum and my friend. ‘I just feel so sick’ …
"My mum and friend were fantastic! I got off the phone, sniffled a bit, drank some water and fell asleep. I woke up this morning still feeling like I’d been dug up!
"I’m normally the most smiley, positive person but this morning I struggled to even speak. I managed to force some muesli down me, have a little whimper to Shiv our Ride to Rio team manager and get myself on the bike.
"I started to peddle and we started downhill which helped as we’d climbed the mountain the night before doing an extra 5 miles to get ahead. I was pretty grateful for that.
"I decided to do my best to convince myself I was ok and really take care of my hydration and food – and gulped a few paracetamol’s down! (sic)"
The brunette beauty was put an induced coma earlier this week after doctors discovered she’d been struck down with the lethal mosquito-borne infectious disease.
Despite the initially worry, Charlie raised spirits on Thursday (18.08.16) when she regained consciousness and was able to breathe unaided.
Doctors are pleased with her neurological results but she remains on dialysis as her kidneys are not responding to treatment.
Medics are now hoping to stabilise the sports reporter’s condition so she can return to Britain for further treatment.