
Caroline Flack quits drinking

Caroline Flack has quit drinking.
The ‘Love Island’ presenter embarked on a 12-week no-sugar and no-alcohol detox plan after getting into a "rut" where a daily tipple became a routine and she is now feeling "really good" after making the changes.
She said: "I think I got myself into a rut, where I Was using booze as a treat. You know, I’d be like, ‘I’ve had a stressful day, I’ll have a glass of wine.’ I did that loads of times and, actually, it was more because I was in a rut than an actual sensible decision. So, I’ve gone a bit yoga-y and got into that side of things and it’s really good."
And the 36-year-old star thinks she is now a much "nicer" person for making the lifestyle changes.
She said: "I’ve suddenly got loads of time on my hands as I wake up really early and don’t feel hungover. I’m like, ‘Why didn’t I do this sooner?’ And I’m always in a better mood. I’m nicer!"
However, the former ‘X Factor’ host admitted she can be "annoying" to her friends as she talks about her diet a lot.
She admitted to heat magazine: "I think I might be bordering on annoying to some people, especially with the no-sugar thing. I was out with Leigh Francis [aka Keith Lemon] the other night and the time passed really quickly.
"I was suddenly like, ‘Ooh it’s midnight, I’m going to head home.’ And he was like, ‘Yeah all you’ve talked about all night is no sugar.’ My friend Tom sent me a text saying, ‘When are you going to get your personality back?’
"Once my 12-week detox finished, everyone was like, ‘Phew, she’s back.’"