
Britain’s Prince George learns to make own decisions

Britain’s Prince George is learning to make his own decisions.

The two-year-old son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is currently attending Westacre Montessori school in King’s Lynn, Norfolk near the family’s home in Anmer Hall and is being taught to "do things for himself".

Louise Livingston, the director of training at the Maria Montessori Institute where most of the teachers at the school will have been trained, said: "There is a lot of focus on independence and helping children do things for themselves and make their own decisions and their own choices. They will be encouraging him – right from the minute he walks across the doorstep – to do things for himself."

And Prince George has been put in classes of mixed age groups as there is a "great benefit" for both the younger ones to learn from the older children and for the older kids to learn by helping their younger counterparts.

Louise added to PEOPLE magazine: "The younger children learn by watching the older children and the older ones really benefit by helping the younger children.

"There is great benefit for learning and social behavior in an atmosphere where there’s no competition because there is a mixed-age group. Children don’t think about what anybody else’s age is."