
Britain’s Got Talent’s Steve Andrews: I’ve been abducted by aliens!

‘Britain’s Got Talent’ contestant Steve Andrews believes he has been "abducted" by aliens.
The 63-year-old green bearded singer – who failed to impress judges when he performed a rendition of Ben E King’s ‘Stand By Me’ during the audition stages on Saturday (20.05.17) – claims the incident took place in the 1970s, when he was unwillingly taken on board a spaceship and probed by extra-terrestrials.
Speaking about the incident – which he says occurred after he saw bright orange lights in the sky – Steve said: "I felt like I was going up. I didn’t want to. I was frightened. I think I may well have been abducted."
And Steve – who hails from Cardiff, Wales – also claims he is a wizard who practises "natural magic", and has admitted to previously growing plants such as Heavenly Blue for it’s "hallucinogenic properties".
He said of the plant, which is also known as Morning Glory: "I like to grow it and admit that in my past hippie days I tried the seeds for their hallucinogenic properties."
Steve’s talents don’t just stop there either, as he’s also written books detailing which wild plants will help improve your sex life.
According to the Daily Star newspaper, one book invites readers to use Periwinkle "to intensify your sexual relations", and says of Damiana: "Take an hour before sex … it gives a mild marijuana like high."
But Steve insists he hasn’t taken any drugs "for over a decade".
He told the publication: "I haven’t taken any drugs for over a decade and I once said that I might have been abducted by aliens for a ‘Weird Wales’ programme on HTV."
‘Britain’s Got Talent’ continues on Saturday (27.05.17) at 8pm on ITV.