
Brian May plans to go vegan

Brian May will be going vegan for January in order to "lessen the suffering of animals".
The Queen rocker has revealed he will be taking part in Veganuary – which sees people ditch animal products to follow a vegan diet for the month of January – at the start of the new year next week, because he wants to try and improve his own health, as well as save the lives of animals.
Writing on Instagram, Brian said: "Starting on the first of January I, this coming year I will be doing VEGANUARY. Which means I will eat only vegan food for that month. After that, I will take a view on whether to continue or not.
"My reasons ? 1) to lessen the suffering of animals. 2) To lessen the load on our groaning planet. 3) for my health. (sic)"
Brian, 72, is known for his animal activism, and says it "bothers" him that he still eats products derived from animals.
He added: "And … as an animal campaigner, it has been bothering me for a while that I still eat animal-derived food, that has caused indignity and pain to a non-human animal. So I will try to move along the line. I won’t be pressuring anyone else to do the same, and it won’t change my commitment to helping farmers solve the problem of bovine TB. But … for me … it’s time. (sic)"
Alongside the lengthy post, the ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ hitmaker shared a video clip in which he displayed a book he had been gifted for Christmas, which was titled ‘How To Go Vegan’.
And Brian won’t be alone in his journey, as he listed some of his pals who will be joining him for the month-long challenge.
He wrote: "I’ve already got the support of some friends who are going to join me and compare notes as we go along. European Space Agency Rosetta mission top man Matt Taylor has committed – along with Alex Milas, founder of Space Rocks. @mattc67p @alexandermilas @spacerocksoffical
"I’m also being joined by a close family member, and my wonderful touring PA Sharon Schwartz. If any of you folks out there are hovering on the edge out there and want to join me too, I’d be delighted. We can mutually support each other ! I figured this book is a good place to start. (sic)"