
Blue Planet to get 3rd series?

‘Blue Planet’ boss James Honeyborne thinks there’s "potential" for a third series.
The second instalment of the marine show – narrated by Sir David Attenborough – is set to come to a close next week but, after becoming this year’s most watched TV show, the programme’s producer would like to release another batch of episodes in the near future because he believes there’s "so much more to explore" in the underwater world.
Speaking to The Sun newspaper, James said: "We are working with our co-producers at BBC America on potential exhibitions. It’s something we’d love to do.
"We have only scratched the surface with ‘Blue Planet II’. We are only just coming to terms with the immense popularity of the series. It’s wonderful for us to know oceanography and marine biology can attract that sort of audience. There is so much more to explore. There’s always potential for ‘Blue Planet III’."
The second ‘Blue Planet’, which hit screens 16 years after the first aired, took over a decade-and-a-half to film and put together but bosses are no doubt hoping that David will be fit enough to narrate the third instalment – providing it happens – as he’s already said he’d like to make another series of ‘Planet Earth’ and has no plans to retire.
The 91-year-old naturalist said previously: "I see no reason whatsoever why I can’t live past 100. Earth has enough wonders to make more than three ‘Planet Earth’ series.
"The beauty of natural history programmes is they can appeal across all ages and all conditions and people can take out of it their own particular interests."
But, although David thoroughly enjoys looking into life on land and sea, he’s got no desire to pay a visit to space because he doesn’t believe there’s life up there.
He explained: "There’s no life in space.
"Here we’ve got this wonderful kaleidoscope, this fantastic world."