
Blake Lively’s pregnant stunts

Blake Lively filmed stunts for ‘The Shallows’ whilst pregnant.
The ‘Gossip Girl’ star – who is expecting her second child with husband Ryan Reynolds – did two weeks worth of stunts in the action packed movie before a double was hired for her.
She explained in a behind-the-scenes clip: "They didn’t hire a stunt double till the last two weeks of shooting. Every single day there wasn’t a single scene that wasn’t stunt-heavy.
"Doing the underwater sequences, I’m in 4.5-foot waves. Whether I was in the tank or when I was in the ocean, I was about 300 yards away from shore. They would drop me off on this rock that was three feet by three feet.
"You’re in the wild. You are in the land of big, incredible, majestic wild creatures. And if you’re wearing a wet suit, you’re dressed as a seal."
And the 28-year-old actress – who has 17-month-old daughter James with the ‘Deadpool’ star – previously admitted she thinks she has been "really terrible" in some of her movies.
She shared: "I always want to challenge and stimulate myself. Sometimes I’ll see one of my movies and think, ‘I was really terrible in that’ because I pushed myself to do something that I actually couldn’t do. And then I’ll see other movies and say, ‘Wow I really managed to pull that off and I’m so proud because that was a stretch for me.
"For me, every year I’ve grown older has been exciting because there are more opportunities and more roles. There were roles I was reading when I was in my early 20s that were mothers and I thought, ‘Oh this character is so complex’ and it’s amazing, but I couldn’t do it. So, I’m at an age where I can play some of the younger women and some older ones."