
Billy Connolly’s suicidal thoughts

Billy Connolly has contemplated suicide on numerous occasions since being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.
The 73-year-old comedian – who was first treated for the early symptoms of the degenerative disorder in mid-2013 – has admitted he gets waves of dark times and has even considered taking his own life to end his crippling suffering.
Asked if he has ever thought about ending his life, he said: "Yeah sometimes I give it a bit of thought when I’m in bed. I think, ‘Well this is forever, this isn’t going to get better, it’s going to get worse.’ But then I try and change my mind and I try and meditate and move away from it sideways.
"The guy who told me I had it said to me ‘You realise it’s incurable?’ I thought he could have said ‘We have yet to find a cure’ or something like that to put a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. I’m okay at the moment but it comes and goes. Sometimes I have trouble getting out of bed and I walk strangely. Turning over (in bed) is difficult. Turning from one side to the other can be quite a complicated manoeuvre."
But the chronic neurological disorder has now started to make the actor drool but he’s trying to see the positives.
Speaking on a US radio station earlier this week, he said: "The body isn’t responding sometimes but it is quite interesting as the body changes. I have started to drool as well, that’s nice. That’s going to make me really attractive."
Billy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s three years ago – in the same week he was told he had prostate cancer and had two hearing aids fitted – but recently admitted he goes to work to "stay positive" about his battle with the disease.