
Big Brother’s Kayleigh Morris fuming with celeb guests

Big Brother’s Kayleigh Morris failed to hold her tongue in tonight’s (14.06.17) show after she found out her arch-enemy Charlotte Crosby’s best friend Marnie Simpson has entered the house.
The brunette beauty was riddled with excitement when bosses announced they were bringing in three celebrities – Marnie, Nicola McLean and Gemma Collins – as part of this week’s shopping task but her face dropped when her learnt that it was the ‘Geordie Shore’ star.
She said: "I hate Charlotte Crosby and you put her f***ing best friend in and when I look at Marnie I just think of f***ing Charlotte and it’s angering me every f***ing second. My f***ing boyfriend has Charlotte Crosby’s f***ing tattoo on his f***ing leg, I’m sick of it."
And the feeling was certainly mutual on Marnie’s end too as she had a weird vibe from the contestant as soon as she walked into the house and refused to give her much attention.
She said: "Kayleigh hasn’t made any effort. I just don’t like her as a person, I think she’s very busy, she’s got a lot of things to say about people" and "she’s said some horrible things about me."
Gemma attempted to rectify the situation by inviting Kayleigh into the hot tub with them but she refused and decided to keep her distance by remaining in the living room by herself.
It’s not yet known how long the celebrities, who have been sent in to shake things up while the contestants cater to their every need, will be in the house for but they’re certainly use to drama as all three of them have stayed in the famous abode in the past and became fan favourites.