
Benji Madden praises Cameron Diaz as ‘modern-day feminist’

Benji Madden has praised his wife Cameron Diaz as a "courageous, modern-day feminist".
The Good Charlotte rocker, 37, is extremely proud of his 43-year-old actress wife for her books, including her recent tome ‘The Longevity Book’, which examines the art and science of growing older, and says she is trying to "share positivity".
He told Newsweek: "I’m extremely proud of what she uses her platform for. She just released ‘The Longevity Book’, and before that she had ‘The Body Book’ [a lifestyle guide to diet and health], and she spent thousands of dollars doing all the research, to get information to share with women who don’t necessarily have the resources to get that information. She’s a modern-day feminist; she wants to change the conversation that’s being had about women and ageing. With ‘The Body Book’, she wanted to share all this information she has gathered over the years with women so they can live happy, pain-free lives.
"I’m proud of her because of what a light she is in a world where it would be so much easier to use that stage to promote products. But she’s using that platform she has to share positivity. It’s been one of the most inspirational things in my life watching a woman be so courageous…she’s got so much integrity. I’m a lucky guy that I get to experience that."
Benji’s twin brother Joel is in Good Charlotte with him and while the Madden brothers have a close relationship, Benji wishes feuding Oasis siblings Liam and Noel Gallagher would reconcile.
Speaking about working with Joel, he said: "It’s definitely gotten easier as we’ve gotten older. We enjoy working together. We never fall out, but we fight sometimes – but that’s normal. It’s nice to be real with someone and never worry you’re going to break up.
Man, I wish that Liam and Noel [Gallagher] could figure out how to communicate with each other. They’re the absolute best. They’re the last true rock stars. They make incredible music when they actually focus. I wish we could spend a weekend with them, me and Joel.
"Not even an intervention. But I think everyone wants to feel appreciated in life. I guarantee, at the heart of it, they really do love each other. Listen to those records, man. Listen to them playing on those Oasis records. I would give anything for one more Oasis record, one more classic."