
Ben Affleck Justice League stars protest pipeline plans

Ben Affleck and his ‘Justice League’ co-stars have come together to protest the creation of a pipeline.
The 44-year-old actor – who plays Batman in the movie – stood alongside Ray Fisher (Cyborg), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Jason Momoa (Aquaman) and Ezra Miller (The Flash) in a video showing their support for Rezpect Our Water, an organisation that is protesting against the Dakota Access Pipeline project. The project aims to transport crude oil from the North Dakota Bakken region through South Dakota and Iowa into Illinois, crossing the Missouri River.
In the video posted by, 23-year-old Ezra says: "As a gang of earth defenders, we want to send a big shout out to the Oceti Sakowin and those who stand with them in opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline. To get involved with this movement go to"
Organisations such as Rezpect Our Water launched the campaign to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline project because the proposed route will cross the Missouri river just one mile from the Standing Rock reservation where approximately 8,250 people live. The organisation claims that the pipeline project could potentially cause irreversible harm to both the community’s drinking water and the river’s ecosystem.
Posting the video on Instagram, 37-year-old Jason wrote: "Join us in supporting the youth of Standing Rock as they fight the Dakota Access Pipeline, which will leak into their drinking water! You can sign their petition at, or find the link in my profile. //#rezpectourwater #justiceleague#waterislife aquaman is p****d. ALOHA AC (sic)"
So far, the petition to stop the project has received over 274,000 of its 300,000 signature goal.