
Bella Thorne signs Fox deal

Bella Thorne has signed a development deal with Fox.
The 22-year-old actress is to work to develop scripted and unscripted programming for the independent broadcast network as part of the agreement, which will be non-exclusive.
And Bella is hoping to bring something "teen-driven and psychological" to the network.
She said: "I really want to bring them a great competitor for Riverdale or something teen-driven and psychological, with dark backgrounds but on the Gossip Girl side. I’ve been really reading a lot of books to buy. And I love writing. That’s a huge thing.
The former Disney star is excited to bring a "young voice" to programming for people of her own age.
She told Entertainment Weekly: "It’s just so crazy, you know? I’ve always really wanted to do this and to be able to tell my eight-year-old self that, yeah, at 22, you signed a development deal with Fox!
"I’m so happy and I’m so excited to make new projects and to bring onto the air a really young voice. That’s the biggest problem. We have so many older writers and whatnot. It’s really rare that we get that feeling of a really young voice."
The news broke on the same day the ‘Shake It Up’ star was unmasked as The Swan on ‘The Masked Singer’ and Bella admitted she took part in the singing contest to "test" herself.
She said: "I’ve never done anything close to this. I like doing things that I’ve never done. I like getting over my scariness, you know? It was kind of like testing myself as a person."
And the star didn’t take much persuasion to take part, even though it was "stressful" because she’s also been working on a movie.
She said: "I was definitely sold. I was doing a fighting movie at that time and I was like, do I even have time to be I fight training and to do this singing? Ay yi yi.
"To learn like a bunch of dances and songs and stuff and in like one day. I was really like, oh s**t, can I even f***ing do this? Then, you know, you can do it. You definitely can do it.
"But, I think the most difficult part was definitely having to be training so much, shooting in Puerto Rico. And just trying to do both of them was really stressful.
"I really want to be good at singing, but I really want to be great at fight training. I wanted to do both!"