
Beck ‘cringed’ after hugging Prince on stage

Beck admitted he "cringed" and thought he’d made Prince uncomfortable when he hugged him at the Grammy Awards in 2015.
The rock musician was being presented with the Best Album prize by the ‘Purple Rain’ legend just months before he died in April 2015 at the age of 57, and he got "carried away in the moment" when he pulled him in for an embrace, but he isn’t sure if Prince appreciated the show of affection.
Speaking to The Sun newspaper, he said: "I reached out and gave Prince a hug. I immediately felt like I should probably not be doing this! But we were on stage and I was carried away in the moment, I just wanted to embrace him. Afterwards he disappeared somewhere and I never got to talk to him. I kind of cringed for a while that I had made him uncomfortable or overstepped the mark."
However, Beck needn’t have worried, as when he looked back at the photo for the first time after the iconic pop star’s death, he could see he was smiling.
He added: "The photo showed us hugging and I saw he had a huge grin on his face. I had walked around feeling guilty about it, but to see his smile it made me glad I had even just a tiny superficial ­connection with a hero."
For most fans, the ceremony is best remembered for Kanye West storming the stage during Beck’s acceptance speech, and claiming he should have handed over the award to Beyonce.
Although the pair have since made up – with the rapper even heaping praise on the talented multi-instrumentalist – he admitted it was a "strange" thing to do.
Beck, 47, said: "That was pretty crazy. The whole thing was already so surreal but the Kanye thing was strange. I wish I’d given a better speech! I didn’t plan anything because I’d been to those kind of things a lot of times and you walk away empty-handed."