
Anya Taylor-Joy: I trained myself to take compliments

Anya Taylor-Joy had to train herself on how to take a compliment.
The 23-year-old actress would often go back into her shell every time someone paid her a compliment, and decided to change the way it made her feel when someone expressed their admiration of her.
When asked if she likes being complimented, she told Stylist magazine: "Yes, but I find that when someone compliments me I make myself smaller and my voice goes higher.
"People are not really sure how to take compliments and I think it’s important."
To help her prepare to receive people’s approval, Anya is determined to be polite and not let her true feelings shine through.
She continued: "I’ve trained myself to always say thank you, no matter how it makes me feel."
What’s more, the ‘Emma’ actress is also adamant to change the way she speaks to herself after spending years telling herself negative comments about her image.
Asked what is the biggest life lesson that was the hardest to learn, she replied: "That negative self-talk and negative self-image have a real impact on how you live your life.
"I think it’s important to spend time analysing the way you speak to yourself, and why."
As a result, Anya admitted she would rather be respected in the industry than liked by thousands of fans.
She added: "The puppy in me wants to say, ‘Like me, like me, like me’, but I think ultimately I’d rather be respected."
Meanwhile, the ‘Split’ star believes acting "saved [her] life" after she ended up in such a "difficult place" after leaving home at 16.
She previously said: "I grew up really fast because I had to. You couldn’t pay me to go back to being 16.
"I moved out [of my parents’ house in London] and started living alone.
"There’s definitely a story to be told there, but I want to make sure that when I do tell it I’ve got all my ducks in a row, so it can make an impact for the greater good. I was in a really difficult place, and I’m not kidding when I say [acting] saved my life."