
Angelina Jolie comforted by ‘sweet’ Maddox

Angelina Jolie says her "sweet" son Maddox tried to comfort her when she dropped him off at university.
Maddox Jolie-Pitt, 18, is attending Yonsei University in Seoul where he’ll be studying biochemistry and Angelina, 44, admitted she was devastated when she had to say goodbye to him last month.
She told OK! magazine: "Yes, I cried. he was very sweet and gave me a big long hug. It’s that transfer when they start taking care of you and making sure you’re OK."
She added that she is "really proud" of her son and "excited about his choices’ in life" and wants to get back to visit him as soon as possible.
However, Angelina is keeping busy with her other children – Pax, 15, Zahara, 14, Shiloh, 13, and 11-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne -while Maddox is away.
Revealing that she has been training for Marvel’s ‘The Eternals’ alongside her kids, she explained: "My son Knox does some weapons [classes] and Viv does karate, so I’ve been jumping into all their classes.
"I’m the mum that keeps showing up! It’s been fun and going to the gym together is really good."
Angelina previously revealed she let out an "embarrass-your-children ugly cry" when she was saying goodbye to Maddox.
She said: "I had the big glasses, and the amount of times I turned and waved. I do know it was the one moment in my life I think I turned around six times before the airport just… And he sweetly stayed and kept waving, knowing that I was going to keep turning around. You could feel he knew he couldn’t leave. I am very proud of him. He is ready – he’s good.
"I miss him, I miss him. Or I’ll just get out there. It’s not like I haven’t set my plane tickets."