
Andrew Garfield blasts hackers as misogynistic and revolting

Andrew Garfield thinks the hackers who leaked nude photos of celebrities are "misogynistic" and "revolting".
The 31-year-old ‘Amazing Spiderman’ star is the latest person to defend his fellow celebrities after the naked photos of female stars like Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton were stolen and posted online.
He told The Daily Beast: "It’s disgusting. ‘I have a right to your naked body or images that you’ve sent to your husband, or lover’. It’s disgusting.
"It’s violent, and it’s misogynistic, and it’s revolting, and it’s another example of what this distance has enabled us to do – it’s enabled us to be disassociated from each other.
"There’s enough awful s**t coming from it that hopefully we’ll get to the point of, ‘OK, wait a second.’ What’s scary is that we haven’t reached that point yet, and there hasn’t been a referendum put on it."
Meanwhile, it was revealed that some of the stolen nude celebrity photos will be displayed in an exhibit at a US gallery.
The artist, known as "XVALA", will use the images as part of her "No Delete" show in the Cory Allen art gallery in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Speaking about the artist’s decision, Andrew said: "The Internet is the new Wild West. There’s a guy now taking these pictures and putting them up in an art gallery.
"What f***ing right does he have to do that? It’s absolutely revolting."